Starting on Saturday didn’t happen! (Day #1)

So today is day 1!

I did so well up until 3pm On Saturday and then felt woozy and disgusting and decided to eat.

What was funny was, I did not feel woozy until I drank my first shake.

My mouth tasted like shit  all afternoon Saturday, and my stomach felt like I had eaten way too much dairy.

So I have decided that I will NOT be doing 3 shakes as they protein excess will be rank tasting.

I have decided instead to drink as many instant Maxwell House Cappuccino’s or Latte’s that equate to 400 calories per day.

It’s the calorific equivalent of what I was going to do and also has more carbs so I won’t feel as shit.

So far, it’s 3.50pm and I have had four Cappuccino’s all at 55-58 calories each and I’m feeling fine.

I’m in two minds about going to the gym tonight, and smashing out the rowing machine because to be fair, I have so much weight to lose and the more calories I burn in the beginning will be a great kick start.

Then I think, shall I let the weight drop off naturally for the first two weeks and then when my metabolism slows after a fortnight, just go ham in the gym.

I’ve decided on high intensity cardio as I remember last time this burned the most calories.

Work has me highly irritated today but I have attributed this to it being Monday…. And me generally not liking people.

I thought I’d have a massive headache by now but, so far, so good...... Let's see how I feel by Friday



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